Olga Golodets and Ildar Khalikov visit the International School of Kazan

14 September 2016, Wednesday

On September 14, Deputy Chairman of Russian Government Olga Golodets accompanied by Tatarstan Prime Minister Ildar Khalikov visited the International School of Kazan, first international school in the Tatarstan capital that was opened on September 1. 

The first two blocks, elementary school for children from first through fourth grades have been active in Kazan since 2014. Since 2016, the school has started offering an opportunity where pupils are able to study in forms 5 to 8 to get an education compliant with international standards. The main reason for building the school was to teach the children of foreign specialists invited to work in the republic.

“The is designed for 450 pupils,” Principle Niyaz Gafiyatullin explained. Most subjects, with the exception of the Russian language, are taught in English, with more than 30 teachers from the US, UK, Canada and South Africa working at the school.

During the tour, Golodets was told that children have a lot of opportunities besides the compulsory curriculum. Children can create here, doing technical experiments and theatrical performances.

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