Rustam Minnikhanov takes part in annual meeting of shareholders of Kazanorgsintez

7 April 2017, Friday

On April 7, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov took part in the annual general meeting of shareholders of Kazanorgsintez Chemical Company, summarizing the company’s performance in 2016.

Making a keynote report at the meeting, Director General of Kazanorgsintez Farid Minigulov emphasized that the previous year ended up bringing successful financial results to the company.

In the reporting year, the company manufactured commercial products for the sum of 75.2 billion roubles, thus exceeding the corresponding 2015 indicator by 6.4 billion (i.e. 9.4 per cent). Index of physical volume of production amounted to 104.1 per cent. The company’s net profit made 18.170 billion roubles in 2016. 

In 2016, the commercial products structure changed insignificantly as compared to 2015. The main share in the commercial products structure belongs to ethylene polymers and polycarbonates (87.7 per cent in value terms). 

The company makes payments to budgets of all levels and pays out wages timely and to full extent. 

The shareholders approved the annual report and annual accounting (financial) statements of Kazanorgsintez for 2016.

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