Rustam Minnikhanov at press conference of Kazanorgsintez Chemical Company: The company should increase its revenues up to 100 billion roubles by 2020

7 April 2017, Friday

On April 7, speaking at a press conference after the annual meeting of shareholders of Kazanorgsintez Chemical Company, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov said that the company should increase its revenues up to 100 billion roubles by 2020.

"I appreciate the performance of the company and its team," Tatarstan President said. “The enterprise has reached all the planned parameters, which were outlined in the programme. There will be a new programme, which envisages at least 100 billion roubles of revenues by 2020, at least one million tonnes of ethylene, not less than one million tonnes of polymers. These tasks are very challenging, but I think that Kazanorgsintez is in position to solve even more complicated tasks," he added.

According to Minnikhanov, Kazanorgsintez is the leader of the country's petrochemical industry. 

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