Director-general of Organization committee “Sochi-2014” Dmitri Chernyshenko: workload of sport objects in Kazan is a positive example of using Universiade heritage

31 May 2011, Tuesday
“Workload of sport objects in Kazan built for summer Universiade 2013 is a positive example of using heritage of World student sport summer games 2013”, - Director-general of Organization committee “Sochi-2014” Dmitri Chernyshenko announced in Moscow at the procedure of signing Agreement on cooperation between Tatarstan Republic and Organization committee “Sochi-2014”.

By words of Dmitri Chernyshenko sport objects in Kazan immediately became in demand among students and people of different age going in for sports and leading healthy way of living. “Kazan is a place where words and deeds are never at variance. Strong sport infrastructure has been created here, heritage that will stay with us after holding summer Univerisade 2013. Universiade will enable to gain serious experience in many areas such as organization of volunteer movement, new construction standards, serious attitude towards handicapped people”, - Director-general of Organization committee “Sochi-2014” said.

He also reminded that in the nearest future a large number of important sport events will be held in the country – Universiade 2013 in Kazan, Olympic and Paralympic Games 2014 in Sochi, World football championship 2018. Moreover Russia applied for holding world championship in water sports 2015/17.
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