Student construction teams to be engaged at Universiade objects in Kazan and Olympic games in Sochi
7 June 2011, Tuesday
Telephone of “hot line” on issues of employment of students and youth in RT in summer time was announced at a briefing in House of RT government. By telephone (843) 231-82-25 (Republican centre of student labor teams) one may get information regarding formation of student teams and vacancies for young people in republican towns and regions.
By words of Director for GU “Republican centre of student labor teams” Rinat Sadykov for June 1 2011 there are 1915 vacant places in data base. 166 vacancies are meant for the juveniles, more than 650 - for students.
By and large 93 student teams will be functioning in republic providing employment for 4,6 thousand people.
In summer 2011 student teams will be organized in Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Almetievsk, Zelenodolsk, Zainsk and Elabuga.
Objects of Universiade 2013 in Kazan and Olympic games in Sochi, construction of gas-oil-refining stations at Yamal peninsula have become the most interesting areas for construction teams. Besides four student teams of conductors for long-distance carriages were formed for Gorkovsky and Sverdlovsk railways in 2011.
About 630 students from Kazan, Elabuga, Naberezhnye Chelny, Almetievsk and Bugulma are planned to be involved. 340 people will work in agricultural brigades and agro-industrial complexes of Tatarstan. 850-900 students will work within pedagogical teams in children recreation camps of Tatarstan and Krasnodar region. 1000 student will be engaged in working at objects of JSC “Kamgesenergostroi”, 200 students are to be employed at objects of JSC “TANECO”.
On 24 February during his working trip to Zelenodolsk region of the republic, the Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin took part in a joint meeting of the Council of Zelenodolsk Municipality and the Council of the town of Zelenodolsk dedicated to results of social and economic development of the region in 2024 and tasks for 2025 and held in the Center of Cultural Development of Zelenodolsk.
On 24 February during his working trip to Zelenodolsk region Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin together with the Head of the region Mikhail Afanasyev took part in a ceremony of handing in medals “80 years to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War (WWII)” to two war veterans, a residents of the blockaded Leningrad and the home front worker living in the region.
On 24 February Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin came on a working trip to Zelenodolk region of the republic to take part in a joint meeting of the Council of Zelenodolsk Municipality and the Council of the town of Zelenodolsk dedicated to results of social and economic development of the region in 2024 and tasks for 2025.
On 18 February during his working trip to the Village of Verkhniy Uslon Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin had a meeting with the home front worker Khazyar Shaykhlislamova, who was born on 26 December 1929 and during all years of the WWII worked as a milkmaid in the Izmerskiy sovkhoz, and handed her in a jubilee medal dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Great Victory.