III session of the Strategic Vision Group “Russia-the Islamic world” is being held in Grozny

17 May 2017, Wednesday

On May 17, III session of the Strategic Vision Group “Russia-the Islamic world” opened with the welcoming speech of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Mikhail Bogdanov read out the telegram:

“Today many Muslim countries are facing terrorism and extremism. Tragic events are happening in Syria and other countries today. The Islamic world can count on support of Russia. We are always ready to help in establishment of peace.”

The session is being held in Grozny on May 16-18. The main topics to be discussed are prospects of economic cooperation between Russia and Islamic countries, measures on prevention of growing security threats on the basis of traditional spiritual values. The programme of the session includes sightseeing, acquaintance with rich culture of Chechen and other nations living in the region.

This year 57 people, including 23 representatives of Russia, four heads of Russian regions, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs M.L.Bogdanov, outstanding members of the public, science and spirituality, and 43 foreign guests from 26 countries are taking part in the session.

The moderator of the session was Director of the Center for Partnership of Civilizations of Moscow State University of Foreign Affairs and coordinator of the group Veniamin Popov.

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