March 2024

For the first time in Tatarstan skill categories in sports programming have been conferred to seven participants and winners of the unique and first in Russia competitions in sports programming which were held in Innopolis from 12 to 17 October 2023

March 2024

On March 23, speaking at a meeting in the Government House of the republic held by the Prime Minister of Tatarstan Aleksey Pesoshin via video conference with all regions of the republic, Deputy Prime Minister of the republic – Tatarstan Minister of Agriculture and Food Marat Zyabbarov reported on the state of winter crops, preparations for the sowing campaign and the readiness of the equipment.

On March 23, speaking at a meeting in the Government House of the republic held by the Prime Minister of Tatarstan Aleksey Pesoshin via video conference with all regions of the republic, Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing Utilities Sector Aleksey Frolov reported on the implementation of construction programmes in Tatarstan.

March 2024

On 22 Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin took part in an event dedicated to the Day of Housing Services and Utilities Workers held in Kazan where on behalf of the regional Government he congratulated the employees of the sphere with their professional holiday.

March 2024

On 19 March, speaking at a meeting of the state commission on traffic safety held in the Government house of the republic with participation of the Head of the Traffic Safety Police of Russian Internal Ministry for Tatarstan Rustem Garipov, the regional Minister of Transport and Road Economy Farit Khanifov and heads of other regional Ministries and Directorates with all municipalities taking part in it via videoconference, Tatarstan Deputy Prime Minister, who is also the Head of the Office of the regional Cabinet of Ministers Shamil Gafarov stated that the republic attaches great attention to raising the traffic safety by implementing a number of measures for improvement the traffic situation, decreasing accidents rate and their consequences. In addition to replacement of road pavements, specialists are installing road signs and barriers and building sidewalks, mounting new traffic lights and quality road lighting, he informed. 

March 2024

On March 16, Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin came to the polling station at school 143 on Chetaeva street, 1 and voted in the Russian presidential elections.

On March 16, under the work on organizing the Russian Presidential elections, which are held on March 15-17, Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Roman Shaykhutdinov inspected polling station commissions of subordinate Verkhneuslonsky region of the republic.

On 16 March, speaking at a meeting in the Government House of the republic held by the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov via video conference with all regions of the republic with the regional prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin taking part in it, the Head of the Fund “The Institute of Development of Tatarstan Cities” Nailya Zinnatullia informed that a number of municipalities have not passed the resulting schedules of work on yard to be done by the “Our Yard” programme in the current year.

On 16 March, speaking at a meeting in the Government House of the republic held by the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov via video conference with all regions of the republic with the regional prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin taking part in it, the First Deputy Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing Utilities Sector Aleksey Frolov reported about current state of programmes of housing, public spaces and cultural facilities construction and engineering infrastructure modernization in the republic.

On March 16, Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Roman Shaykhutdinov together with a member of the Supervisory Board of the Innopolis Special Ecomonic Zone Nikolay Nikiforov and the Mayor of Innopolis Ruslan Shagaleev attended the Open Day at the Innopolis School. This annual event, which takes place in the IT city for future students of the educational institution and their parents.

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