Ildar Khalikov hands over awards to winners of regional contest “Territory of law”

11 December 2015, Friday

On December 11, Prime Minister of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov took part in awarding winners of the regional contest “Territory of law”. The annual contest has been held since 2007 on the initiative of the Ministry of internal affairs and Cabinet of Ministers of the republic.

It aims to express public recognition, encourage and distribute successful experience of municipalities and towns, managers and ordinary people that made contribution to ensuring public order, legal education of young people and prevention of law violation.

Speaking at the event, Ildar Khalikov said that a big close-knit team of the Ministry of internal affairs works in the republic.

Minister of internal affairs, Lieutenant General Artem Khokhorin thanked leadership of the republic for supporting the contest.

The judges of the contest chose 35 winners of 212 competitors.

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