July 2024

On 13 July, speaking at a regular meeting in the Government House of the republic held by the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov with participation of the regional First Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Nigmatullin and all municipalities taking part in it via videoconference, the regional First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Lenar Garipov reported about situation with the crops, readiness of harvesting complex and forage conservation work.

July 2024

On July 8, speaking at a briefing in the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic, Head of the State Archive-Keeping Committee of Tatarstan Gulnara Gabdrakhmanova informed about the genealogy festival “Echoes of centuries in the history of the family”, which has been taking place under the patronage of the State Committee of the Republic for Archival Affairs since 2019. During the period of its existence, over 10,000 people took part in it.

July 2024

On 3 July Tatarstan First Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Nigmatullin and the regional Minister for Youth Affairs Rinat Sadykov took part in a solemn ceremony of opening the shift “Time of young heroes” in the children’s recreation camp Chayka in Vysokaya Gora region of the republic. More than 250 kids from 15 regions of the republic are taking part in this shift which is held for the second time this year, and speaking at the ceremony, Rustam Nigmatullin said: “Such shifts facilitate development of desire of young people to make their country better, to be proud of it and to protect their families and friends. We lay great hopes on you as you are the ones to create history of our Fatherland. I am sure the shift will be interesting, bright and informative.”

July 2024

On 2 June, speaking at a briefing in the Government House of the republic held with all regions of the republic taking part in it via video conference, the regional Minister of Agriculture and Food Marat Zyabbarov told journalists about preparation and holding the International Agribusiness Exhibition AgroVolga and the current situation in the agribusiness.

June 2024

On 19 June Tatarstan First Deputy Prime Minister Rustam Nugmatullin introduced the new Head Azat Kadyrov, who previously was the Russian First Deputy Minister of Sports, to the staff of Tatarstan Ministry of Land and Property Relations.

By the decree of the Rais of the republic, Fanil Agliullin, who was the Head of the Ministry since 2019, has been appointed the acting Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan responsible for reconstruction of sponsored cities of Lisichansk and Rubezhnoye. 

On 19 June the Chief of Staff of the Office of the Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers Shamil Gafarov and the President of the regional Academy of Sciences Rifkat Minnikhanov took part in a meeting of the organizing committee for preparation and holding the fifth International Forum Kazan Digital Week 2024 held in the Government House of the republic by Russian Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media Maksud Shadayev, who took part in it via videoconference.

June 2024

On 17 June, speaking at a briefing in the Government House of the republic held with participation of all municipalities via video conference, the Head of the Directorate of the Federal Bailiff's Service in Tatarstan Anvar Zakirov said that since the beginning of 2024 as many as 13 thousand residents of Tatarstan cannot go abroad because of alimony payment debts from 10 thousand rubles or more.

He mentioned that if earlier this limitation was in force for six months with revolvment, now the travel lock prescript has indefinite duration.

June 2024

On June 17, in Verkhny Uslon, the Chairman of the State Council of the republic Farid Mukhametshin, Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Roman Shaykhutdinov, First Deputy Head of the Administration of the Rais of Tatarstan - Head of the Administration of the Department for work with territories under the Rais of the republic Ilnur Garipov, responsible employees of the Administration of the Rais, staff of the State Council, Council and Executive Committee of the municipal region took part in an extraordinary meeting of the regional council of people’s deputies, which considered the personnel issues, in particular, the termination of the authorities of the head of the regiont by Marat Ziatdinov due to his appointment to the post of Chairman of the State Procurement Committee of Tatarstan.

On June 17, First Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Rustam Nigmatullin introduced the new head of Tatarstan State Committee on Procurement Marat Ziatdinov to its staff.

June 2024

On June 9, Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Roman Shaykhutdinov and Mayor of Innopolis Ruslan Shagaleev took part in a festival INN9, dedicated to the Innopolis city’s birthday, which celebrated its 9th anniversary.

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