May 2024

On 24 May, speaking at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic on the results of 2023-2024 heating season held with participation of the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov and the Deputy Chairman of the regional State Council Yuri Kamaltynov, the Prime Minister of the republic Aleksey Pesoshin said: ”Due to well-coordinated work of municipalities and the housing utilities and energy enterprises the preparation to the heating season of 2023-2024 was done as planned.

May 2024

On 23 May, speaking at a solemn lineup on the occasion of the school graduation ceremony for students of the Innopolis Lyceum, which teaches gifted schoolchildren from all over Russia, Tatarstan Deputy Prime Minister Roman Shaykhutdinov stated that Innopolis is a unique platform for the development and realization of the lyceum graduates.

May 2024

On 22 May in the Government House of the republic Tatarstan Deputy Prime Minister Leila Fazleeva had a meeting with participants of the International Turkic Literature Festival after Muhammadyar which is held on 21-24 May in Kazan with participation of writers and publishers from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and a number of Russian regions such as Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Dagestan and others. The festival was named after the outstanding Tatar poet, philosopher and public leader Muhammadyar who lived and wrote in Kazan in the first half of the XVI century, and was organized by an initiative of the Chairman of Tatarstan Union of Writers Rakil Zaydullin supported by the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

May 2024

On 15 May during the official walk round of the exhibition organized on the sideline of the  XV Internationals Economic Forum “Russia-the Islamic World: KazanForum-2024”, Tatarstan Deputy Prime Minister Roman Shaykhutdinov told the honorary guests about the domestic produce and unique digital solutions represented at the exposition of residents of the Innopolis Special Economic Zone and the Innopolis University.

On 15 May, speaking at his meeting with the Chairman of the Government of Dagestan Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov on the sidelines of the XV KazanForum, Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin said that Dagestan is an important partner for the republic and relations between the regions are built on principles of the Cooperation Agreement signed in 2018.

On 15 May on the sidelines of the XV KazanForum  Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin on behalf of the Government of the republic and the Director General of the New Land  Grain Corridor Yuri Manevich signed an agreement on establishment of a land-based grain hub in the republic. 

On 15 May Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin, Russian Deputy Minister of Economic Development of Russia Dmitriy Volvach, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Libya Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh , the Under Secretary of the UAE Ministry of Economy Abdulla Al Saleh and the Director General of the Islamic Halal Services Chamber Ashraf El Tanbuoly took part in a ceremony of opening the XV KazanForum and the VII Russia Halal Expo Exhibition at the Kazan Expo Exhibition Center. 

May 2024

On 11 May, speaking at a meeting in the Government House of the republic held by the Rais (Head) of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov with all municipalities taking part in it via videoconference, the Minister of Construction, Architecture and Housing Utilities Sector of the republic Marat Ayzatullin reported that as of 11 May the housing construction plan has been fulfilled by 60 per cent in the republic with 1m 888thousand square meters of housing already commissioned.

May 2024

On 9 May Tatarstan Prime Minister Aleksey Pesoshin accompanied by the Head of his Office Shamil Gafarov paid homage to Soviet soldiers buried at the Arsk cemetery in Kazan and together with war veterans and other participants of the ceremony laid flowers and wreaths to the monument of the Soldier-the Last Man Standing. 

May 2024

On 7 May an official delegation from Tatarstan headed by the regional Deputy Prime Minister Roman Shaykhutdinov came to the UAE to take part in an annual Investments Forum AIM Congress 2024 held in Abu-Dhabi.

The forum brought together leaders and experts of the branch from all over the world and is dedicated to transformational changes happening on the global investments landscape.

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